some times things are just MFEO (made for each other) I sometimes feel old cuz I've missed out on the whole IM, ICQ, now facebook thing. by choice that is. I don't even own a cell phone for pete's sake. but I digress.....
some things just fall into place, I've been wanting to play more with the Xpression. Having worked very hard on samples of classes I will be teaching at Ultimate Sewing Centre I rewarded myself with this little book. while tidying up in the studio these yummy supplies fit the bill. A cover-up top of unknown content - basically two panels stitched together with gathering ties at the shoulders and a huge skein of gorgeous wool yarn bought at a yarn shop on Queen St in Toronto. Here they are laid out on a piece of water soluble stabalizer with wisps of light pink roving following Her Majesty's directions!
flip & repeat on other side & pin to hold in place.
needle punch to hold everything together. then stitch. I used two kinds of water soluble stuff, one didn't even punch into the fibers so I got it all back (except for 1 tablespoon- remember the Crisco ad!)
Into the tub to wash away the remaining Solvy & scrunch to wet felt.
It it turned out gorgeous. still soft but not slinky. It shrank in length quite a bit so I am going to put a slit near one end to pull the other through so it will sit close to my neck.
I am intrigued with this process.
The scarf is gorgeous.
I've just started using an embellisher, so I am in the learning process.
Thank-you for sharing.
BTW I live just about 2 hours from Toronto in a little town called Ingersoll.
I bookmarked your blog so I can return easily.
Thanks for having me.
Says one Maggie to another!! VBG
Thanks for popping by my Blog. I wanted to email you but couldn't find an email address so I guess this will have to do...
I belong to a fibre arts group at the centre you saw in the pictures.
We are a small group of 12-15 at the best of times.
You were saying you are teaching now. I was interested since once a year we invite someone in to give us a workshop. I wondered what you teach? I know I am the only one in the group that has an embellisher. Some of the gals do needlefelting by hand though. Also some of the gals spend the winter in Arizona, so May would be a good month for a special event.
My email is
so if you could email me I would like to have you send your brochure on the classes you teach and what your fees are.
Thanks again Maggie
HOT HOT HOT! Love it. You are so very very very talented!!! Too bad we couldn't swap brains for a day. I'd love to know how to do all this!?! :0)OXOXOXO M
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