This is a 6" square little page made one choice at a time. Ribbons in various colour, texture & width are woven over a piece of thick fusible interfacing - Timtex I think. I didn't take pictures in progress like I usually do. After the ribbons were woven & firmly attached I used fancy stitches & variegated thread to break up some of the larger ribbons. Then yarns for texture.

There was one ribbon I had only one of and it is a rather 'electric blue'. It doesn't seem to work in there on it own so I added 2 smaller yarns in the same colour.Let's play - Can you spot the differences!! Let me know what you think.

The dark doesn't stand out as much in real life as it does in the scans & photos & it is evenly balanced on two corners so I am finished tweaking. or maybe not, dark on the other two corners would finish acting like a frame. Mmmmm?
This is really cool. This is something that I would try.
looks so good!
what did you use as backing? an old empty wooden frame? i would like to see more. I am doing similar projects, with old frames. I want to start using the inner rims of bike tires also...
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