what is it about variegated stuff - thread, floss ,yarn that is so attractive?

these are DMC embroidery floss I bought at Michael's to do some hand work when I will be separated from my beloved sewing machine! I haven't done cross-stitch in years. I still have 2 beautiful roosters done languishing in the UFO box.
Its been eons since I've done any work by hand. I even resist finishing bindings by hand. I am interested in the following
TAST has generated and my favourite magazine is
Stitch by the Embroiderers' Guild in the UK. I recently saw it at a Chapters store but I get it when I'm in Northern Ireland because a special lady gets the magazine for me the day it hits the bookstores.
So its time I actually did some handwork again.

I'm thinking of something like this. the background is felted and then has stitching. I'll keep ya posted!