For many people this is also opening weekend at the cottage. What do we do?-it starts early in the week- the chat 'are you going to the cottage?' then - the lists- things to pack, things to buy, food to make, toys to entertain children on the drive up. The drive-Oh yes a million of us will be leaving the GTA to head 'up north'. And all trying to beat their all time best for getting there-Hours of traffic, rising prices of gas, hundreds of OPP officers pulling over the stupidest of us- Thank you to those who have to work the 'long weekend'.
to find what? -that's the suprise element - large and small. From trees that have fallen to droppings mice have left.
how do we spend this wonderful time? raking leaves,cleaning, putting in docks, fighting to get the water running, entertaining restless children when it pours, cleaning up the mud those kids trapse in after the rain stops. hunting mosquitos, applying sunscreen. Convincing those men in our lives that yes they do need more sunscreen on their heads than last year!! counting blackfly bites. estimating the costs of long overdue repairs.
why? you ask why? for this-

Photo from Patti's entry in my Circle Journal - a Day in the Country -permission granted!!